Around Town
Cleantech Innovation In A Post-COVID Market
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020
Clean Energy Connections is a quarterly live discussion series, featuring thought leaders + innovators in the energy field providing NYC’s emerging cleantech sector with the network it needs to grow + compete in the global economy.
In this quarter’s panel we’ll hear from startups who have responded to COVID-19 in a variety of unique ways - from IoT devices to investments in the workforce. Startups are nimble and uniquely able to pivot their technologies and rapidly respond to changes in the market. Who would have guessed one of the greatest pivots of all time would be in response to a worldwide pandemic? Enter cleantech. Many technologies developed by sustainably-minded companies are already perfectly positioned to address new measures required by the pandemic. Hear from startups from all walks of cleantech on the varied strategies they’ve used to address the needs of a post-COVID world.
Sponsor: Clean Energy Connection, NYU Tandon
Date: Thursday, August 20, 1 PM
Location: Online
Moderator: Nithya Sowrirajan, Director - Google Maps for Environmental + Social Impact
Panelists: Lauren Salz, Co-Founder - Sealed; Catherine Pears, Director of Projects - Wavelength; Manik Suri, Co-Founder - Therma: + Yaron Klein, Project Manager - Zero Energy Solutions
RSVP: Zoom